Recycling solutions

Create advantage with best-fit recycling tech, equipment, and support
Sparta Manufacturing - Passion. Expertise. Flexibility.|Solutions
Sparta Manufacturing - Passion. Expertise. Flexibility.|Solutions
why sparta?

Advanced recycling expertise

Public or private, big or small, we pride ourselves in providing advanced, turnkey recycling solutions tailored to your specific waste stream.
We provide:
We love working with:
Recycling facilities
Waste processors
Organic processors

Value engineering

We served a variety of sectors and applications.
Sparta Manufacturing - Passion. Expertise. Flexibility.|Solutions

Single stream recycling facilities

Recover recyclables

Discover Sparta’s advanced single-stream recycling solutions designed to empower Material Recovery Facilities (MRFs) to separate valuable commodities from mixed recyclable streams with precision and efficiency.

Construction & demolition (C&D)

Reclaim building materials
Transform your Construction & Demolition recycling operations with Sparta’s robust recycling solutions, built to handle the toughest materials and deliver precise, high-value resource recovery.
Sparta Manufacturing - Passion. Expertise. Flexibility.|Solutions
Sparta Manufacturing - Passion. Expertise. Flexibility.|Solutions

Organic waste

Repurpose discarded biodegradables

Explore advanced recycling solutions designed to help MRFs efficiently separate and process valuable organic materials for composting and renewable energy production with precision and reliability.

Ready to deploy

Rely on us for the recycling system expertise and engagement you seek


Let our experienced team assess your needs, unlock opportunities, and recommend tailored solutions for your project.


Bring your project vision to life with custom-engineered design plans that apply best-fit technologies tailored to your situation, ensuring performance and lasting durability.


Get up and running smoothly with dedicated project management and installation support. From concept to startup, we’ll help manage every detail to ensure optimal performance from day one.


Set your team up for success with hands-on training, focusing on proper operation and maintenance practices to ensure your system performs reliably and efficiently.


Ensure long-term reliability with tailored maintenance plans designed to keep equipment in peak condition, reduce downtime, and extend system lifespan.


Rely on Sparta’s personalized, long-term support services for priority access to parts, repairs, and expert assistance, ensuring your equipment performs optimally throughout its entire life cycle.

Explore our work

Check out some of our past single stream projects.

Sparta Manufacturing - Passion. Expertise. Flexibility. | Solutions

Let's talk

Please leave us your contact information below, and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

Sparta Manufacturing - Passion. Expertise. Flexibility. | Solutions

Work with the team that’s as committed to your success as you; contact us today!


Contact one of our representatives today to find out how we can help you conceive, plan, implement and integrate the right solution for you.

1.888.586.6128, ext. 1


At Sparta, we understand what downtime means to you and we make every effort to ensure the fast and reliable service you require.

1.888.586.6128, ext. 2

If you are looking to make a difference and help our planet, then Sparta might just be right for you. Send us your resumé today at