Single stream recycling

Separate unsorted waste like it's easy.
Let us help
- Improve purity and throughput
- Lower cost per tonne
- Minimize maintenance
- Turn waste to profits
- Reduce environmental impact
Rely on us for:
Handle any waste stream
We served a variety of single stream applications.

Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) recycling facilities
Turn everyday waste from households and businesses into reusable materials or even sustainable fuel. Wet or dry, whatever the situation, we’ll help you transform co-mingled waste into profit while supporting landfill diversion initiatives.
Raw Material: Municipal Solid Waste
Finished Material: Plastic, paper, metal, organic & inorganic materials, and more.
Recovery rates: Up to 75%
Plastics recycling facilities
Sort mixed plastics waste into valuable, reusable materials sorted by grade. From object analysis, to automated separation, to bundling, we’ve got the best-fit equipment and specialized expertise to help you meet both your environmental and revenue goals.
Raw Material: Municipal Solid Waste
Finished Material: Separated plastics
Recovery rates: Up to 75%